Otey Crisman Putter

Jackie Burke putts with Otey Crisman putter that netted him 4 PGA Tour victories in a row.


This one's your favorite. Odey Chrisman.

Odey used to be a pro when I toured. He was a bad putter, and he went home and made this putter, and Jay [INAUDIBLE] had it over in San Antonio. And we had a rain out, and I said Jay, let me hit a ball with that putter, so he did. I couldn't get this blade going the way I wanted it the next morning, so I asked him if he'd let me use this putter today. And I've paired with it. I shot 64 64, and won the Texas open. He said, well at least you can paying me for it. I said, no, I'm going to owe you for that putter.

But, he went to the week, and won the next week. He went to the next week, and won the next week. And went to the next week, and won the next week. He won four in a row of this, and he made Odey Chrisman famous. And he went to the 1957 masters--

He was second.

--with a four tournament winning streak and Snead beat him by a stroke. Can you imagine the hype today if a guy came into the masters with a four in a row winning streak going on?

And you want to get really that vertical feel.

Underneath there.

Underneath there, as far as you can get it, and then make that shaft up right, there. Now just use your shoulders, no hands. That's perfect. Use your shoulders all the way through. There.

I didn't do it as good as you. I'm going to do it again. Oh, can't miss.

You can't miss it.

I'm going to win the tournament next week and I'm going to tell everybody in the newspaper that you gave me the lessons for it. Then everybody is going to be coming out here for lessons. Champions club.