Stacy Lewis - Swing Set Up: Alignment

Stacy Lewis demonstrates her alignment during her set up.


[MUSIC PLAYING] The thing that I like about Stacy's swing, or I admire so much is, we all can see that that really big shoulder turn, right, and then her coach has to totally monitor that to keep it firmed up, right?


How do you make your back swing? How does the club-- I mean you set that club so pretty. Was there anything you learned as a youngster that got you to move your hands? How do you move your hands to it up to the top?

Actually, the biggest thing that helps me is using the big muscles to get the club to the top.

The shoulder.

Yeah, because I just-- I've gotten to the point now-- I mean now it's a little bit different, where I'm so strong that I can move the club like this without ever moving my body at all.

Oh, so you're saying that that shoulder exercise you do--

I've almost gotten too strong to a point where--

When I first came out of college, I was pretty weak, hips moved early in the swing, being weak. So everything

Oh, I see.

--kind of moved together. So I had to work for a long time on this move, on just getting that club to go first. That was kind of the thing for me.

Just to go first, and are you opening them out at the--

No, it's getting the club to go first, kind of to pass the right thigh, and then from there just to turn and go.

And then you think a lot of the-- when you're not as strong you take too much--

Yeah, as soon as that body goes early, that club gets kind of inside and then it's a lift, hands are high.


So that's what I worked on for a long time. And now kind of almost went the other way, is that I got too strong and I'm able to let these arms kind of go on their own.

So take one up to the top for me, just let me take a look at you there, so-- so like from this view right here, this is like ideal, right? So is there anything that you feel that recognizes that you're at the top? Like I used to-- for me I used to put my shoulder under your chin, or i felt to--

How do you know that you're up there?

I just--

How do you know you're in good shape?

Yeah, I mean the biggest thing I feel, when I can feel it in my right arm, kind of feel a little bit of a load there.

A little bit of a weight.

Yep, mine revolves more around the shoulders though. The shoulders and where the shoulders are in relation to the hips.

And you're trying to hold your hips.

Mm-hmm, because I want this these two turns, the two turns here to finish at the same time at the top.

I see. So when you get to the top, they both end at the same point.

They end at the same time. When I'm play my best, I think my golf swing relies more on timing, it's more on the timing of the hips, timing of the shoulders.

And you say they get there at the same time.

Mm-hm. And then that's when I know to fire and to go.

And we're going to talk about how you go, but let me see that--


Let me see a couple of those where you do that.