Les, show us the super pitch action. What are you doing here?
So I practice, especially from this distance, I practice a lot one-handed, lead hand.
Front hand, yeah.
Lead hand. And that, I believe, helps me with rhythm. And it helps me not add power with the wrong things. So for this to work, I'm having to add power with my chest and my shoulders. There's not a lot of hand motion. And it helps me to believe that, or to worry less about lie and to worry less about contact. So I'm having to trust everything I've got there to hit a good one. And so just like putting, I use mostly this hand. Chipping--
The other one.
--I'm this way.
I'm this way. It's mostly with my chest.
So are you trying to, as you do this, are you trying to add a little of the oomph or not?
I try not to-- like, once I make a decision on how hard I'm going to hit something, I try not to add any power at all.
So it's almost the same feel swing?
Right. Just like the same speed going back as-- That's what I feel. It's not, obviously--
You might have a bit more acceleration.
It's faster there, right? But once I decide, once I get the feel of what this chip's going to be, I'm trying not to add anything. I'm just letting gravity do work, and that's how you get that consistent strike. Because if you're adding power here, this way--
You might dig it or whatever.
There's no telling.
Are you, when you do this drill here-- I actually, funny enough, I do exactly the same thing with my driver and clubs as well. I just stand on the tee and I go, this is where I want my hand to be. Do you do that too?
Well, especially for me, my right hand likes getting weak for whatever reason. And even with chipping, it likes getting weak. And so for me, if I don't have a good, strong, firm grip--
When you say strong--
I'm just talking about like just a good solid grip, then I can't do this. If my grip is too weak, then I'm having to pick it up.
It's wobbly, yeah.
So for me, that sort of sets the base for everything that I do. Close to the green is that hand right there.
And do you practice that way? Is that a good practice for someone?
You're not hitting them up while they're stiff, you just--
No. I'm getting the feel of my rhythm. I'm getting the feel for the club.
You'll get stronger, right? I'm not even left-handed, but I can even do that, right?
I'm not expecting, you know, I am not playing golf right now. This is not golf. This is me getting a feel for how my practice and how my warm-up is going to go. But I'm just setting a foundation of what I want to do. It's all I'm doing.
I'm not worried about results. But as I get better, my contact will get better. I'll see if I can get one close doing that, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm never going to hit one one-handed in a tournament.
No. But when you put the other one on, then it becomes real, and now you can zone in, right?
Right. So when I go into both hands on, now I'm not going to waste a rep here. So I'm looking at this shot. I'm going to hit this just like if I was in a golf tournament.
And that's sort of a elongated one-handed deal?
Mm-hmm. It's just, for me, it's about not adding-- I don't want to add speed. If I need the chip to go further, I'll take it back further, and then I'll just let gravity kind of take the club to the ball.
Not really thinking too much about your knees or your hips--
No. I've always--
--or the plane of the swing?
Mostly, it's about being comfortable, you know? It's about being comfortable with my feet. And I'm a little open to the target line here, but I want that club to just move uninterrupted through here. That the main part.
Just like that.
Uninterrupted. Just a nice, fluid motion, and that just builds consistency. And obviously it's taken years to learn how to do all of these things.
But it wouldn't take someone that adopted this, it wouldn't take them years. It'd take them, in 10 minutes they'd feel better.
Yes. If they could get that--
It takes out all the BS back here.
Yeah. Yeah. If you can get to where you can make this arm just move in harmony with this body, then chipping becomes much easier. Because when I play with guys who are bad chippers-- Pro-Ams, guys at home, stuff like that-- everything's forced, everything is-- it's choppy. They're so worried about the lie and the shot that, if you can get to where it's just-- I mean, there's just no worry there.
Yeah. I like it.