So you just told me that you're kind of a lob wedge chipper.
I'm a lob wedge girl, yes.
You did it ever since you were younger?
Yeah, I've always used lob wedge. I guess it's my generation. You know, because I'll go chip with my dad. And he chips with a wedge or a nine. And my brother has tried to get me to use different clubs, and I have had not very good success with that so--
Go back to what?
Go back with the lob wedge.
What works.
Well, walk us through what you-- what do you think? We're going to play that shot to that pin there. I already know that if you have a lob wedge, you obviously have lots of shots with it, because--
I do.
Because you can make it round.
Well like, the slide is a little bit tight, so I'm not going to open it a lot. I'll open it a little bit, put it a little bit back in my stance, just like someone who would hit a chip and run.
But just with my lob wedge. Still hit a low one.
Is there a technique? I'm just going to watch first.
I try to get my keys when I chip well. I get my feet pointed more towards the hole. I get my weight more left.
Keeps you still.
Yeah. Gets my weight over here for me. Kind of get a nice angle, like my putting. And kind of similar to my putting, but just more so focusing on getting my weight over on my left and getting that ball back in touch.
And then I hit it way too hard.
That was OK, though. You played that one low. That was kind of cool. I always like to see people with big talents. Like when you see someone play pool or something that's got lots of shots. You have lots of shots, don't you?
With my lob wedge, yeah. I think I do.
Yeah. So what do you do if you go-- do that one more of those.
Yeah, lets--
That would've been your low one, right?
This is my low one, yeah. I guess I don't need to hit it quite as low. I just think I hit it a little bit too hard.
So essentially, you are making it kind of like a nine or a wedge, whatever, right?
Pretty much. I've just always felt comfortable with a lob wedge.