Chris Stroud - Setup and Takeaway

Chris Stroud discusses how he sets up to the ball and take the club back in the backswing. He tries to get his clubshaft on his toe line as the toe points up, and returns the club back in similar position.


Now when you say inside/outside-- all this stuff, you're talking-- do you try? What did you feel on the way back? Are you trying to go any particular way or you go with?

To me-- to me it's pretty simple with every single club. Once I get a very neutral stance, arms are hanging, same thing, good balance, I'm trying to get the club to be here, right down my toe line.

And you're monitoring this?

Pretty close to toe-up, maybe a touch shut for me.


And then on the way down I want the same exact place.

And you're not worried about the face too much as long as it's in that game right there.

Face is one of the last things I have to worry about just because I've got a good solid grip and then my set-up should be able to take care of all that. If I start seeing some club face issues, I'm going to maybe dive in and get some video or get on the trackman and figure out what I need to do to tweak that. But typically, that's really not an issue.

But for me, really simple, getting that same-- I'm trying to fill that same position at impact. And as you see, the longer club I have my head is further and further and further just my minutely from the ball. So from this angle face-on, my 7 iron was probably here. Six, five, four, three, two, so it gets a little bit further away and a little bit up in my stance to allow for that ball to get up in the air a little easier. But I'm still feeling a little down.