Colt Knost - Long Chip Shot Motion

Colt Knost demonstrates how to hit a long chip shot.


I chose this particular spot to show off your-- to showcase of your skill set right here. We've got a pretty simple shot right here. Probably one that would land and run up to the flag with a little check. This one is not as easy. You could play it high, you could play it low. I want you to show us how you do all this.

Yeah I mean obviously in the short game, there's so many so many options.


It's all about, I mean whatever you see in your eye. So for me here I mean I would look to land one just a little ways on the green. Probably take one little check and roll out. The biggest thing I feel like in my chipping, it's really similar to my putting stroke. There's no hit involved. So if I have a long one, I'm going to speed up my backswing. If it's shorter, it's going to be a little slower one. But there's no hit. The ball just gets in the way. That way you get crisp contact.

You're making a total stroke.

Yeah. Yeah. And so you know, there's like I said, there are a lot of ways to do it. I'm a little more active with my hands. I like to try to hit the bounce, which is the back of--

You like to give yourself a little protection.

Yeah. The bouncer is your friend. That's a nice crisp one there that will check pretty good.

Pretty much falls into what you do through the bag. It's a very rhythmical--


Sort of a full swing orientated.

For sure. And with chipping, I mean there's so many different rhythms, like I said you can do. I mean if you want to hit a real high soft one, I take a nice long, slow swing. This one just kind of like a medium tempo, I'd say. But the same thing is in putting, I feel like the ball just gets in the way.

That one there you didn't quite hear it. It ran out just perfect.

It felt like I bottomed out a little bit behind but it still rolled up right where it is.