Anything special in the bag? Any lucky charms?
Well, I do. I carry-- I'm a very Christian, well, Catholic person.
I am, too.
So one of the things--
You got your rosary.
I got my rosary. One of the things that-- I keep this in my bag. You know--
In case you need to say a quick--
A quick prayer? No, but I just like to have my faith. I think my number one priority in life is God, and golf goes after my family. And I don't know, I just like to keep it next to me. And one of--
I like it, too.
Yeah. Here. So this is my marker. And it's an old 50-peso coin. So this is not used anymore in Mexico. But a friend of my-- my brother's friend gave it to me, and I found it really cool, just having a Mexican marker, old, in my bag.
And you use that every day?
Every day. I like to keep this one with me. And you just want to--
And here's just the Mexican eagle on the back.
It's a [SPANISH]. It's a [SPANISH] on the back.