So I go here. I go there. Aim a little further left, turn the blade in a little bit so I'm aiming where I want to be, and go. I got a lot of drag on it.
Here you are. Well, I found him-- you remember the old--
Is that what you see?
The old driving range?
There was that short-game green over there just to the right. Well, he would put the ball on the fringe, and he'd have a pin about where that is. And he'd hit it straight up in the air-- mile an air-- and land it short of that pin. It was unbelievable. And I found him, and he had no lean. He had no backup either. It was a straight up and down.
So that was it there, right? I'm here. I'm there.
That's what he does a lot right there. Mega-spin, low. He's always got low.
But he's doing it with 64?
Yeah. Sixty or 64.
Ten degrees of lean, and then he goes 30. So, like I said, I'd miss the ball if I did that. So I've got to scoot forward, turn it in so I aim it right, then I can--
He plays really far back, and a lot of lean, and a lot of loft. He doesn't use, like, a pitching wedge.
No. He's like you. He's at half the height.
And then every once in a while when he has to go high, you'll see him go-- he'll walk around it.
And it'll be less lean and more cut. And it'll go.