Steve Elkington, Jason Dufner & Chuck Cook - Mickelson's Chip

Jason Dufner, Chuck Cook, and Steve Elkington discuss the technique behind the way Phil Mickelson chips. Their observation includes the way Mickelson addresses the ball, cocks his wrist, and holds impact in follow through.


So I go here. I go there. Aim a little further left, turn the blade in a little bit so I'm aiming where I want to be, and go. I got a lot of drag on it.

Here you are. Well, I found him-- you remember the old--

Is that what you see?

The old driving range?


There was that short-game green over there just to the right. Well, he would put the ball on the fringe, and he'd have a pin about where that is. And he'd hit it straight up in the air-- mile an air-- and land it short of that pin. It was unbelievable. And I found him, and he had no lean. He had no backup either. It was a straight up and down.

So that was it there, right? I'm here. I'm there.

That's what he does a lot right there. Mega-spin, low. He's always got low.

But he's doing it with 64?

Yeah. Sixty or 64.

Ten degrees of lean, and then he goes 30. So, like I said, I'd miss the ball if I did that. So I've got to scoot forward, turn it in so I aim it right, then I can--

He plays really far back, and a lot of lean, and a lot of loft. He doesn't use, like, a pitching wedge.

No. He's like you. He's at half the height.

And then every once in a while when he has to go high, you'll see him go-- he'll walk around it.



And it'll be less lean and more cut. And it'll go.