Jason Dufner: Understanding Strength and Weakness

Jason Dufner discusses the need to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

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Well, you had a great year. You won, of course, out in Palm Springs right out of the gate. You finished in the top 20 in the money list, et cetera. All that stuff's good. Were you able to keep your swing going all year this year?

Pretty good. It was pretty good. I had moments here and there. My bad stuff's never really that bad to be honest. I know where I need to be, and that's on the higher side of the PGA tour with ball striking. So that's kind of where I always feel like I should be.


But obviously week in and week out it's not always that way.

What is your strength? Is your strength these guys?

Anything in that bag but this putter is my strength. If we could play without one of these, I'd be real happy.

You'd be [INAUDIBLE] winner.

Yeah. I'd be winning every week. Ball striking, I think I saw a stat somebody sent me with the shot link people and the strokes gained people. I'm the only guy the last five years to be in the top 20 in ball striking. So strokes gained/ball striking, I'm the only guy top 20 for the last five years.

That's kind of what you expect, though? I mean, that's what I would expect from you, right? And you expect that for yourself, right?

Yep. That's my strength. And here's the thing, I understand what I do well.


And I have a great understanding of why, when things don't happen--

How to fix it.

How to fix it. OK, that ball went right. It's going to be either club face or blast off, so I need to get deeper. I need to make sure the club face is more open, maybe a little bit more laid off. I can't play from vertical position. That's dead for me. I need to feel like this thing is pointing over there.

You and I both have way different swings but both know how to control our ball. And I probably do exactly the opposite things that kill me are good for you.

Yeah. It takes a while to figure that out, but I know why the ball goes left. I know why the ball goes right. I don't have any questions out on the PGA tour when I'm playing. Now, can I fix them on the next shot? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I know what I'm trying to work toward.