The Golf Sequence

Featured Length Instructional Video: Golf Coach Paul Kopp instructs Steve Elkington with every single component of the golf swing and how to properly sequence them.


- Basically your whole life, for most of your adult life, you've studied the sequence, of-- the sequence being what the joints do while they're doing it. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And you pretty much, to the end of the model, right, you-- you know when it moves and why it moves.

PAUL KOPP: Oh, yeah.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Hogan, all the models. Everything's been taken into consideration.

PAUL KOPP: Everything.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And basically, you know, we're going to get out there and get into this. But we're basically teaching our body to make that club move in a straight line, right?

PAUL KOPP: Straight, clean.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's imperative.

PAUL KOPP: That's imperative.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We want to make that club just slice the apple, as you say.

PAUL KOPP: Slice the apple.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now you can go up and around and all over. But the best way is--

PAUL KOPP: Sh-sh-sh-- simply. And that's what we try to do is really simplify this thing. And what it is, that's what I mean. It doesn't take any natural ability to do this.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We took a complex journey to come to a simple solution.

PAUL KOPP: And when you get to that simple solution, it'll blow you away. And not too many people find it in a lifetime.

- Are you going to get me in there today?


All right.

PAUL KOPP: Now-- now what we're going to do, we're going to step into this golf ball, OK. And I'm going to-- I'm going to show you the setup without the club. Now, I'm going to-- step into this golf ball. I'm going to be close to it, just to show. OK. Now, I'm going to play the ball one inch off my left heel. I'm going to turn this left foot 25 degrees out to the left.

Now if a person's ankle is not supple enough, you can turn it as much as 45. OK? It depends upon the flexibility and suppleness. So what I've done is I've turned the left foot out. Now, I'm taking my right foot, and I've squared it up to my left foot. And I've taken my right foot, and I've turned it out 10 degrees. It's very important we do-- do this in order for our feet, ankles, heels, instep to work correctly.

Now I've measured my shoulders. They're 16 inches apart. So, I want the distance for a driver, for me, it will work if we took from here to here, 16 inches. Now when I flex my knees, I put my hands on my hips. And my fingers are pointing to the ground, and my hips and fingers were going directly to the ground. I can feel my hands, and they go directly to the ground, straight down.

- Straight-- drop straight down, right, gravity?

- Straight down. I don't let it go back at all. I can feel my hands going back. I don't let it go forward at all. And bang, and I do a lot of drills. And I have a slot here where I just stop, boom. And there's three ways I can do this. I can go back, stick my butt back out, or I can--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Stick your butt the other way, forward.

PAUL KOPP: The other way, forward. OK, where-- the weight is right in the middle of my feet, right in the middle, boom.

- You feel it. You feel it down in there.

PAUL KOPP: Right in there. OK, now that's the next move, here, right here. Now, to lower my legs, I bring my instep in, my knee in, and my thigh in-- instep, knee, and thigh. Now, the weight is still in the middle of my feet. But as you can see, my legs are loaded.


PAUL KOPP: Ready, to go, ready to go. Can you feel that?


PAUL KOPP: Love it. Now, my lumbar, my lower back I'm going to bend 15 degrees forward from my waist, 15 degrees forward from my waist. Now, I don't let my buttocks push out, go back at all. And I don't let it go forward. So it's my lower back, 15 degrees. OK.

Then the second is the thoracic, right there. There's your thoracic, 15 degrees down. You see where that is separated right there? OK? You see how it's straight and it's forward? Straight, forward, straight, forward. OK?

STEVE ELKINGTON: So you've sort of-- you've sort of set it up to where it's just everything's going to drop. Isn't it?

- Yeah. Everything is going to drop. But this here-- because we can't make this-- if-- if our back was straight, it would make a flat shoulder. We're going to drop our neck 20 degrees down. We're going to drop the neck just a little bit to the right, and bring our eyes 5 degrees inside the target line. OK.

Now, we're going to-- we'll be looking at the ball through our pupils, the middle of our eyes, the middle. And-- if we're back here like this, remember how we used to look down at the ball, underneath of our eyes? We're looking right-- right-- here's our pupils. We're looking right in the middle of our pupils, we'll be looking at the ball.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And then-- the reason Paul, is that you're slightly tilted to the right is because we want to look down the inclined plane, right? The inclined plane is-- is right here, right? Is that right?

- Right there. And-- and-- and our hands and arms will be going inside, right?


- OK, club head backward, upward, and inward. OK. Now if I were to take my eyes, and I would--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Turn it that way--

PAUL KOPP: Turn it this way, my hands will want to follow my eye plane.


- OK. You know, if I were to take my hands-- eyes and go this way here, my hands would go this way. So if I set my eyes and pupils right on the golf ball, right on the golf ball, turn my eyes exactly on plane, my hands will follow my eye plane.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So-- so, let's go through that one more time on the steps. So with neck bent into position, and then-- and then I turn my head slightly to the right?

PAUL KOPP: Very supple. Yeah. You've got it. You've got it. There's supple.

- So now, I'm-- I'm slightly inside--


- Looking right down-- right down there.

PAUL KOPP: Right. And your pupils-- are you looking at the ball right--

- Right down there. So now, I can feel that my hands want to--

PAUL KOPP: Go inside.

STEVE ELKINGTON: They want to come inside a bit. So if go here a little bit, they want to go outside more.

PAUL KOPP: You can feel that.


- Now the next move I do is my pressure point, imperative. This is-- this is the whole golf swing right here. This is the most important part of golf. I have three pressure points, 1, 2, and 3.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And what you mean by pressure points, Paul, I'm just going to help here is that if you squeeze just the top piece against your chest that would be called sort of one. If you took a big chunk, like half your bicep, that would be a two. And then three would be all the bicep.

- That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So you like a-- in this case, we're talking a one? Is that what we're talking?

- Now, at address, OK. Here's my slot. There's one. And you see this gap here?

STEVE ELKINGTON: Two left over here.

- Right. I have two left over. And see this gap here? On my back swing I try and maintain that gap all the way to the top of my swing. It doesn't widen and it doesn't narrow. OK.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It doesn't go to zero and it doesn't go to three?

PAUL KOPP: Exactly.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It just stays as a one?

- It stays as a one.

- Just total connection there? You attach at one?


- Show me what your one--

- And it's on top of the chest. It's not alongside of the chest.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Not the side.

- Not the side, and not across. It's--


- Top, top of the chest. There's a bone right there.

STEVE ELKINGTON: You found a slot there.

- I found a slot there, and this has become very soft and flexible. And this has become very soft--

STEVE ELKINGTON: And they just sort of knit together. I feel the-- I feel the muscle there that's-- now, should I put a handkerchief? Would that work?

- No. No, because I want you to feel-- have the feeling, between this, and this, and this here. OK? There's a--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's-- it's-- it's like it's been worked together. I feel it's-- it's been exercised right there.

- So-- so much--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. It's like I could put my finger, you could squeeze my finger or squeeze the blood out of it.

- Right. And so when I take my arm and I just drop it down, there it is. If I take it and drop it. But if I used a tier I wouldn't get that--


- --feeling OK? Which I establish between my inner and my armpit, and my chest. So on the right, right side, exact same thing. There's the move and the pressure--

STEVE ELKINGTON: There a one. This would be a two, and then the three would be all of that.


STEVE ELKINGTON: But just a-- just a one. But I--

PAUL KOPP: Just the one.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's all-- that's all developed there.

PAUL KOPP: It is. Yeah, totally developed.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's developed to the point where if-- if you put-- and I've done a lot of it. Put your hand here for me. And you feel this squeeze.

PAUL KOPP: Oh yeah, you've got it.

STEVE ELKINGTON: You feel a squeeze.

PAUL KOPP: You feel this bone here, and this bone, right?

- You feel a squeeze.

PAUL KOPP: Right there, yeah right.

- And that develops very quickly, we want people to know, right?


- You do the drills. And they-- they join together.

PAUL KOPP: Join together. But you wouldn't get the same feel if you used a towel.

STEVE ELKINGTON: I understand.


STEVE ELKINGTON: I'm with you.

- Now, what has happened here is my upper arm now has become part of my chest. My upper arm has become part of my chest. OK. And they never, from impact from-- from address to impact, they never leave, never leave. OK.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So, let's review. So we're-- were right here. I'm coming right out, and I drop.


STEVE ELKINGTON: And I get the weight and my legs, I don't go there and I don't go here. I'm straight down. And then I'm going to bend from my waist just a little bit, and I'm going to get my attachments. Am I looking good to go there?

PAUL KOPP: You're looking awesome.

- And you know what I-- you know what I like the most about this right here that people are really going to like, Paul? Is when I drop, and then I squeeze in just a little bit, I can-- I'm ready to go. I'm live.

PAUL KOPP: And you're live, that's it.

Now, my hands are real close to my left thigh. My elbows--

STEVE ELKINGTON: There's three ways that they can hang, right? There's-- they could hang all the way this way.


STEVE ELKINGTON: All the way-- all the way that way, or somewhere in the middle, right?

PAUL KOPP: Right there. OK. This is 1, 2 and 3 are right here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Right. Right there.

PAUL KOPP: Right there on both arms, very important, very important. This elbow here is pointing 45 degrees--


PAUL KOPP: And 45 degrees.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Like Hogan's book, right?


STEVE ELKINGTON: No? Hogan was more here?

PAUL KOPP: Yeah. Now, if you were to see Hogan hit a hit a golf ball, he'd be like-- he would be like that. OK?

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, because if he was here when you pull me up--

PAUL KOPP: OK, now-- not only that. Watch what happens to your shoulders when you pull them back. You see, when I pull-- no, no. When I pull them back from here, see my shoulders, just so supple? Now it pulls my shoulders back. So-- so my shoulders can either be pulled back and straight across, or they can be what I call 45, or you can bring--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Hunched over?

- Hunched. See the way, the idea? OK. This tells me-- OK--

STEVE ELKINGTON: So you're saying the position of the hang of the elbows controls the shoulder girdle?

- Right. So, so, OK, put your hands on my shoulder. Now-- now--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, I pushed them way back.

- Pushed them way back. Now she brought them in 45 degrees.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And roll them-- roll them out. Yeah. So we want-- we want them--

PAUL KOPP: You-- so besides-- besides this being rolled over, OK, this here is-- is--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Rolled as well.

PAUL KOPP: Rolled as well.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So if I did that experiment, I went way here-- you put her hands on my shoulders a bit.

PAUL KOPP: Yeah, see--

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's that way.

PAUL KOPP: Yeah. Did you feel it pull it back now?

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. And then this is this way.


STEVE ELKINGTON: So you're right in between.

PAUL KOPP: Right in between, yeah. The one thing that I found in learning the golf swing that saved me, because I probably wouldn't have gone any further, is every component has three ways it can go, like we said about the elbows, 1, 2, 3. You can be cupped, flat, a bow. Your shoulders can work vertically, horizontally, or angle.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Everything has got three.

PAUL KOPP: Everything's got three ways. So you've got something to work with.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. You've got to know which one you want to nail.

- You've just got to nail the one down. Okay, left hand.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We'll talk about the grip here.

PAUL KOPP: OK. OK, I pre-rotated clockwise 45 degrees. OK. And I'm still in P2.

STEVE ELKINGTON: The elbow is still in the same-- same position.

PAUL KOPP: Right, now I've taken the club. I've taken the club and I-- right here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: There's three ways you could put it, right? You could put ii-- in the really-- really diagonal. Or you do it.

PAUL KOPP: OK. You can put below.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Below the-- the lifeline.

PAUL KOPP: Below the lifeline. below the lifeline. You can put it right in the middle of the lifeline, or on top of the lifeline. Hogan would be here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We're like-- we're like right on it? Right on the left lane?

PAUL KOPP: Right in the middle of the lifeline.


PAUL KOPP: Right in the middle.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And across this pad, right?


STEVE ELKINGTON: On the next finger.

PAUL KOPP: On the index finger.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Right into this pad of the index finger. So-- so it goes there, and then right to there, right, like a hook?

PAUL KOPP: Perfect. We're right on. Look at my hand and look at yours.


PAUL KOPP: Right, right.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And then the rest, just wrap, right?

PAUL KOPP: OK, wrap. Now I have a long left thumb.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Why do you have the long thumb?

PAUL KOPP: OK, now. OK why do I have the long thumb? Now with the long thumb, it creates greater risk cock. OK. The-- the pivotal point is right under this part of the thumb right here. This is the pivotal point. OK, right here. So that's where the club-- that's where the club is pivoting. It's like a seesaw. You know?

STEVE ELKINGTON: Seesaw, because it's the pivot of it.

PAUL KOPP: Pivot of the thumb. Now if I shorten my thumb like this-- OK, like this here, I wouldn't get as much flex. You can see that right there? I can't get it-- now if I lengthen the thumb it really gives me flex. Now Hogan was so flexible, he had to shorten his thumb, or on his downswing the club head would hit his butt. OK. Now--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now that looks-- you don't have to have that. It would be the player's choice, right? Like for me, I'm flexy. I have a short thumb there. So--

PAUL KOPP: But I mean I could work your thumb-- see, now I've worked, you know-- I'll do a hundred of these, a hundred of these, a hundred of these. There's about four different pressure points. And you get 1, 2, 3 pressure points right there. Now, the thumb is on the half side of the club. Now it can either be on the top half, the right side, or--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Way on the side.

PAUL KOPP: Underneath, OK.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So let's say if this was-- can I just-- if this say was 12 o'clock, and this is say, 1 o-clock-2:00. 3 o'clock is too much. 12:00 is no good. It's maybe 1:00-1:30 right in the there?

PAUL KOPP: Sounds real good. Yeah, it sound real good. OK. So that's going to-- that's going to ride piggyback on top there. It's not going this way, is way. It's going to ride piggyback. Now--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Where is it laying?

PAUL KOPP: First pad, first pad. Here, you've got first pad right there. Right there. OK, there. Now, now, now-- now that sits right in there, right in there, right there, right there. Do you see my right pad?

STEVE ELKINGTON: Touching that--

PAUL KOPP: Underneath, it's underneath. OK, and boy you've got a work that, and work that. And then this thumb here, you have to work at a real supple here. And this thumb works as a lever. And you showed me that years back, you know, with the indentation in the finger.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's right.

PAUL KOPP: And she works as a lever right there, to keep that in place. And no holes right?

STEVE ELKINGTON: No holes. No-- no leaks. If that were water in there, it wouldn't get out.

PAUL KOPP: No. No holes, no holes, no leaks. But-- but-- and the way to work this sometimes is you can--

STEVE ELKINGTON: From up underneath.

PAUL KOPP: From up underneath I do this all the time, lots of those. And then I do lots of these to keep it under. My tendency--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Because a lot of people--

PAUL KOPP: My tendency is getting it over here.


PAUL KOPP: Yeah. And it's awfully hard. You've gotta get-- you have to keep this right hand-- see, this right hand is rotated 20 degrees. OK, so she's underneath. She's definitely underneath, exaggerate it too. I'll try and get it under as far as I can. And then when I bring it over, I'm saying--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Hey, that doesn't look so bad, right?


STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, right. I see that. Wow, that's a strong, strong package, isn't it? Once you get it on like that, it's a strong--

PAUL KOPP: Oh yeah.

STEVE ELKINGTON: To one, right?

PAUL KOPP: Oh yeah, feels like one. Oh yeah, she's ready to go. Yeah, yeah. She's ready to go. That's probably the best grip--

STEVE ELKINGTON: You've put on in a while.

PAUL KOPP: You have ever seen me-- yeah. Right there. That's a good grip right there. See and it's all working together. And my wrists are level, in a neutral position at address. Now that would be cocked, and that would be uncocked. OK, see? So that would be a neutral position. That would be cocked. And that would be uncocked, right in the neutral position right here. You can see that.

Back here, OK, I set my grip like Hogan does, set the grip. Then I also set my pressure points, pressure points. OK. I'll walk diagonally to the-- to the ball, so many steps. I'll turn. I'll take my left foot, and set my left foot first. Take my right foot, set my right foot. Then I just drop my knees, and then drop everything down altogether.

I don't want people to be doing this, this, and this. After you've done the drills enough, it will just, boom, just fall into place.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And a lot of people are going to have their own way that they get into it.

PAUL KOPP: Into it, no-- I doubt-- my way--

- I think the point is that they're going to find their slot.

PAUL KOPP: Their slot. That's it.

- Because I walk in. And I come in, and I use my right foot. And I think we don't want them to change that.


- We want them just to be aware of the slots. I've already got my hands on, right?

PAUL KOPP: Yes, yes.

- So I come in. And I'm dropped, waist, top, attached, I'm pretty much ready to go right there.

PAUL KOPP: Yeah, and we get to tilt to the right, and you get to tilt forward. OK. That's beautiful.

Club foot is 25 degrees out, which is right for the swing. He's square to the target line. OK. His knees, hips, hips-- and shoulders are square to the target line. Now you're not setting up to this ball are you?


PAUL KOPP: OK. Now his hands-- his hands are over his left heel. OK, his-- his butt of the club is, so-- so he's leaning forward slightly. His head and his neck, and his head rotation is perfect. His eyes are perfect. You couldn't set to the ball any better than you are right now. I don't know how it feels.

STEVE ELKINGTON: No. It feels like a slot.

PAUL KOPP: OK. The weight's in the middle of your feet.

STEVE ELKINGTON: The middle of my feet. My legs are pressed in.

PAUL KOPP: Let's move back a-- this here is bent 15 degrees. Perfect. You've got the roundness here. You got your eyes on the ball. This here, and this here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now-- now I can already tell that the only way this club wants to go is what we're going to talk about next, is how it's going to get away from the ball.

PAUL KOPP: I'm not a natural athlete or anything like that. I have to work at it. OK? And this-- when you hear somebody say he's got a natural swing or something like that, you'd better be careful when you're looking.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Well, people have said to me, I've always had a natural swing, right? When Steve Elkington hits the ball or whatever, he's got a beautiful rhythm or whatever, you know, or Weiskopf, any of those. But you know, as well as I do that I work on it all the time, as well, right?

PAUL KOPP: Exactly. But you don't need natural ability

STEVE ELKINGTON: To do what we're talking about.

PAUL KOPP: To do what we are talking about. And this is what I love about it. It's a quiet ability.

STEVE ELKINGTON: I've got my knees pinched. I feel my legs are alive. I'm bent over, my arms are attached to my chest. What is the first thing-- how are we going to take this club back? What's the-- what is the first thing we're doing here?

PAUL KOPP: OK. We're going to use the first pads of these two fingers right here, the middle two fingers. OK, real lightly, we're going to take the club back with the pads of those two fingers.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's going to be sort of the trigger?

PAUL KOPP: The trigger. Also-- also this right index finger, the first-- first joint of the right index finger will also come back and pull the club in an inline condition, an inline condition which will flatten the left wrist up.

Right here I have a slightly bent left wrist. So when I pull this back, bang.


PAUL KOPP: It's in line. Just-- it's just a slight little, bang, in line. Like pulling-- pulling on two ends of a rope.


PAUL KOPP: Right there, OK. So these two first-- these pads.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's your trigger.

PAUL KOPP: That's my trigger. That's what starts the club backward.

I'm going to do it the right way the first time. OK. Which we're going to have perpendicular wrist cock and rotation. OK, now-- now-- so he's going to pull back here. As he's pulling back, he's going to have perpendicular wrist cock plus the rotation. That is absolutely perfect right there. OK. And that-- that club face is going to match his left wrist. OK.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Right out of the gate.

PAUL KOPP: Right out of the gate, bang. So he's pulling back, pulling back with these two fingers. Lighten up your hands. And he's getting an inline condition, flattening left wrist out, perpendicular wrist cock. Yeah. So what it will look like with both hands is this here. Now, if-- now I can reverse it. I can get it-- reverse it, or I could go this way here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. So can I-- can I add that if you take this left knuckle, left knuckle out and around, we don't want.

PAUL KOPP: We don't want.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Left knuckle under, we don't want. So it's right up the middle.

PAUL KOPP: Right up the middle, right up the middle.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Right up the middle. And then as we go along here, people are going to see that there's three ways that all these joints move.

- I wanted them to see that.

- There's a wrong, wrong, and not so wrong.

- Yeah.


PAUL KOPP: Our right hand will-- will cock. OK? And rotate and it's going to be pulled back. OK. She's going to pull back, cock, and rotate. Can you see that right there?


PAUL KOPP: Can you see that right there?

STEVE ELKINGTON: It kind of goes-- it kind of goes up that way, up that way.

PAUL KOPP: You see, and big thing is my-- this is my number three pressure point. OK. And Homer Kelly, this is my sensory device. This is my swing right here, that first pad, that first pad. I'm going to load that baby up. That senses direction and acceleration, and that's all I'm going to think about when I hit a golf ball eventually, is that pad. And I'm making sure that that number three pressure point is right on plane. You see-- see how that it's not down. It's not here. Bang. She's right on plane.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Here's the plane.

PAUL KOPP: Yeah, here's the plane. Here's the plane, and I've cocked it right up the plane.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's right.

PAUL KOPP: Right up the plane. But it-- the illusion--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's an illusion that it looks out.

PAUL KOPP: But I'm still flush in the-- the plywood.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Sure, of course. When you do it correctly from my view, it looks like I'm cocking the club outside, but because-- because my elbow is kind of bent, it's coming in. So let me-- let me see if I can do that.


STEVE ELKINGTON: So I've come in. And I'm going to pull up. I'm going to pull up on this wrist. I'm going to pull up on this wrist and get that wrist cock not out and around, not under. So it's just bam, bam, bam, bam.

PAUL KOPP: There you go.

STEVE ELKINGTON: No mistakes so far, right?

PAUL KOPP: No mistakes.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now we're going to talk about the legs.


STEVE ELKINGTON: We've got a little pressure inward. And as we cock this club, we're going to cut ourselves off, and we're just going to talk about the legs here now.

PAUL KOPP: OK, great. OK, we're going to--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Weight's dropped in.

PAUL KOPP: Weight's dropped in. Everything's dropped in. You don't need a club to do this. OK, once again knees are in. Now once again, this right leg is going to straighten. It's just going to go from 20 degrees, straight up. Now, I don't want you to lock it. Now once again, it can work three ways. It can work to the right. OK, now-- once you work to the right, my tailbone went right.


PAUL KOPP: Never want the tailbone to go right. Now when she's-- now I'm going to do it the correct way. When she straightens, she's going straighten with a little angle to the left.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Just on the angle of the leg almost?

PAUL KOPP: Right angle of the leg is correct. That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So my pant leg here, I'm going to straighten it so my tailbone--

PAUL KOPP: Perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Moves one inch this way.

PAUL KOPP: One inch to the left.

STEVE ELKINGTON: What that does, it's got me right on top of that ball.

PAUL KOPP: Right on top of the ball. OK. Right on top of the ball, and the third way it could go, it could go too far.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Too far? Which would be--

PAUL KOPP: There you go.


PAUL KOPP: Too much. And that's usually the reason it goes too far is if we have a flat shoulder turned.


- OK, now if she goes this way, it's because our shoulder went downward. OK.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now what is this one doing?

PAUL KOPP: OK, now it can go three different ways. It can move straight out. It can move parallel to the target line. Or she can move 45 degrees to the target line. We want it to move in this direction right here. OK? If she moves parallel, it will push the hips. The hips won't turn. If she moves straight out, you'll have too much.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Too much on top.

PAUL KOPP: OK. Now moving-- that's perfect. It's easier-- that's why I do it in my bare feet. It's a lot easier to see it. And your-- and your-- and your ankle and--


PAUL KOPP: Instep and heel will move.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Very flexible.

PAUL KOPP: Will move that way. Right there, and it's really flexible right there, moving right there.

STEVE ELKINGTON: She's moving inward.

PAUL KOPP: Inward, yeah. Inward, right there, right there. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: OK. OK, good. So we take this up to where-- where club shaft is parallel to the ground.

PAUL KOPP: Correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now, and you've spoken about all-- all in the tape about this elbow, there's three positions this elbow can be in. And we've got what we'd consider neutral. We're calling that two. We've got out. We're calling that three. And we've got in. We're calling one. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: OK. Now at address, we want it at two.

PAUL KOPP: Exactly.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Right in the middle, we don't want it out there, and we don't want it in there.

PAUL KOPP: That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And the left is--


STEVE ELKINGTON: Same, now once we've gotten that club and I've pulled up on those fingers, and as I feel the pull in my legs, my knees, my left knee is starting to pull, point to the left to the ball, and the right knee is straightening. And as I come back up here to parallel to the ground, it's a very-- this is nicely attached right there. This is very important right here, is how-- and to be honest, this is a really crucial point right here.

PAUL KOPP: Yes it is.

STEVE ELKINGTON: How do we get the-- how do we get the shaft to go up the inclined plane? Because we know it's easy to lift it at this point or roll it.


STEVE ELKINGTON: What's the correct way?

PAUL KOPP: OK. The correct way is-- OK you've got--

STEVE ELKINGTON: We've got to the--

- The hands now, our right elbow, which was 5 degrees bent, OK, now we bend the right elbow, 25 degrees right to here. OK. Now the next move is the left shoulder starts down.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It starts down.

- So what it will look like is, hands-- there's my wrist cock, right elbow, which pushes my right shoulder back, and the upper arm is against the rib cage, against the rib cage. And then it's the left shoulder. It looks like this, boom. Left shoulder.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Once that's parallel to the ground there, my elbow is touching all the way--

PAUL KOPP: All three, all three pressure points right there. Right on your rib cage, right on the rib cage.


PAUL KOPP: I love that.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So I'm right here, and the elbow-- up here is just a little one. But as I come back, it's one of the things that I check is boom, it comes right into me.

PAUL KOPP: Correct. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's perfect. That's perfect. Now, he still has his left elbow in P2, and both elbow are in P2, and he's still attached to his chest.

STEVE ELKINGTON: I haven't done anything here, nothing here. So I just pull up on that right, and bang, right into the rib cage.

PAUL KOPP: Right into the rib cage. You mentioned that this is going to brush against the inclined plane all the way up.


PAUL KOPP: OK. Now the hands-- the hands are the same distance from the ground, as they were in address. This is very important. Everybody picks the hands up.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That gets the left shoulder moving.

PAUL KOPP: Then that gets the left shoulder going down.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So for if we're two feet off the ground--

PAUL KOPP: Two feet off the ground.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We still want to be two feet off the ground.

PAUL KOPP: Very, very important.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And what that does, you see from this view that it gets that left shoulder moving.

PAUL KOPP: Moving down, right. Very important. Everybody lifts.

- So, if I go up, the left shoulder is not moving. And the shoulder, the shoulder can go three ways. It can go out and around, don't want that. It can go real steep that way, no good.


- We just wanted it like the--

PAUL KOPP: Angled down and around.

- Like the roof of a house, right?

- Exactly. If I keep that left shoulder working down and around, bang. I'm perfect. That's perfect right there. See the steepness of my left shoulder? Now, what people start to do is they're here, they'll start up and-- the left shoulder will come up.

STEVE ELKINGTON: They think this is what they're trying to monitor, the shaft, right? They're monitoring the shaft as opposed to the--

PAUL KOPP: To the shoulder.


- See? Now I'm going to just do it with just my-- as Homer said, your arms are going to follow your shoulder plane. Now if I have this attached, and I don't lose the attachment here, bang. There I am there. Now and I continue that attachment, and I continue the right shoulder plane, the arm is just going along for the ride. It's just following the shoulder plane.

Now to make it even a little easier for you, for a drill, for my drill here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Split the hand a little bit?

- I'll just split the hands, and I just use this to-- to guide it, to guide it here. And I'll just bring it back bang, right there. You see how my shoulders were? I brought it to-- to this point here. See, so when someone says, well gee, Paul your left arm is really inside, well, where do you want me to put it?


- See, now-- now, if-- three ways it could go. It could go parallel, away, or she can go on plane, which she's working in a straight line like we talked about, too Steve. Or she can go--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Mash it right in.

- Or she can go this way. So she can either go this way, you know, this way here. And what I've done is, boom, right there. That's as simple as that is. Now he's turned his shoulders. He's turned his shoulders 20 degrees. And his hips have turned 10 degrees. The shoulders are leading the hips at this point right here.

- Now I've got to take this elbow now. I'm in position two. Now I've got to torque it, to position one.

PAUL KOPP: Exactly.

- There's very-- there's not much movement there. But it's crucial, right?

- Yeah. Yeah, but in the drills that we'll be showing you is-- is when we do it here, this disk is very flexible, very supple, very flexible, very supple. And now when I'm doing this, my elbow doesn't come out. My upper arm is still against my rib cage, or she doesn't go back when I'm doing it. She stays right on my rib cage--

STEVE ELKINGTON: And that sends it up the plane.

PAUL KOPP: And that sends it right up the plane. Now as I'm going from--

STEVE ELKINGTON: The position to the elbow.

PAUL KOPP: Two to one, I'm loading up this pressure point. Right? I'm loading that baby up. That's my leg and drag right there. This is my leg and drag.


PAUL KOPP: I'm loading that sucker up. Because when I come down, when I come down--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's against it. It's mashing against it more.

PAUL KOPP: The throw-out the action of that number three pressure point, throw-out action of that, and that leg pressure that gives you that ballistic missile. OK.

So now, as I continue and I have about 50% wrist cock. As I continue up, it's 90 degrees, exactly 90 degrees, boom, boom, exactly. OK? I don't-- OK now-- now when I bring it to the top it's exactly 90 degrees. OK? Now when I bring it back down it's 45, 45, back to 90, to the ball. So it's 100, 90, 90, 45, 90, ball.

- Let me-- let me see if I can do that. Here I come. Here I come. Now, here I come. I've done the drills. I know the drill. So here I come. And the left shoulder is going right up, boom.

PAUL KOPP: Oh, god. That's beautiful, right there, right there.

- And left arm is-- is parallel to the shoulder plane.

- OK. And my right elbow is bent 90 degrees. Perfect. My hands are just outside my right shoulder.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Which is-- outside the--

PAUL KOPP: Just outside.

STEVE ELKINGTON: If his hands were only in, say 20 degrees, they would never appear-- they would appear in the middle of the body.

- Right. Or if they came back too far, then I'd lose-- then what would I lose, Steve? I'll lose my pressure point.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And your elbow would be bent too much, or--

- Too much and it would break down, yeah. The left arm would break down. So my elbow is pointing down to the ground. OK. The left arm is parallel to the target line. This angle here to my chest is about 25 degrees. And my hands are just outside my-- my right shoulder.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And Paul, is it true that it goes-- we have one single attachment here.


- And then we go to-- we go to three. And as it rides up, and the elbow does its work, and it's magic. It goes back to one?

PAUL KOPP: It goes back to one. And-- and the elbow from the rib cage, from the rib cage here, is 3 to 4 inches.


PAUL KOPP: I'd like to have you extend that right out. OK, now she's 90 degrees. Perfect. Then this left arm is in line with the shoulders, and the hands are just outside the--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Silhouette of my body here.

PAUL KOPP: Of-- of your right shoulder. This right here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now-- that was-- that was good spot?

PAUL KOPP: You can probably hit up here.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now, this is another really, really important piece here that we've got to discuss. That's helped a lot of people right there. But we want to talk about the tilts here. Now, we're 15 degrees from the waist bent over, and another 15 from the thoracic.


STEVE ELKINGTON: As we get up to the top, we take this thoracic tilt out. And people might say, well, I've never heard that before. Right? But if we left it in, it would look like this, right?

PAUL KOPP: Exactly. Exactly.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So we come up--

PAUL KOPP: Lee Trevino.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And we take it out. And that's what gets it up there so nice, right?


STEVE ELKINGTON: Just really light.

PAUL KOPP: Perfect, yeah.



- Now there's two tilts. There's a tilt this way. This is what people are going to be so-- this is what's going to help their game more than anything. Sideways tilt, front-back tilt.

PAUL KOPP: Just two tilts.

- Once we-- once we understand them, as the golf machine would say, they not only do they cease to exist, but then you can utilize them. Right?


- So let's talk about what's going on with the two tilts.


- We've got 5 degrees. And we've already talked before about the neck tilt to the side. So we're looking down the inclined plane. Here we come. Here we come. Here we come. Here we come. Here we come. Take the tilt out of it there.

PAUL KOPP: Right. And what Steve has done, go back to-- go back to address position. OK. And he's going to take the club.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Parallel to the ground.

PAUL KOPP: Parallel to the ground. And he's still on his tilt. He's still in his tilt. That's very important. Then he's going to go to where his left arm is parallel to the ground. He's still in his tilt. Forward now come out of your tilt just to show them what you look like. No. He's still on his tilt. Right there. Now, as he's going up to--


PAUL KOPP: The top, he comes out of his tilt just at the top at a back swing.

- Up we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Staying in the tilts, start to move around the corner, around the corner. Now at this point, we start to feel this coming out. Is that right, Paul?

PAUL KOPP: Correct.

- And the side tilt actually goes from 5 degrees to the right to 5 degrees to the left. But you don't really feel that one. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: That is perfect.

- OK. So if everyone takes their fingers and puts it on their navel, that's the center of gravity.

- Correct. That's the center.

- But there's also another center here. Because it's bent. And there's another center.

- And your head and--

- Neck.

- Neck, right. And your head neck and neck is the center. OK, and it's a straight line.

STEVE ELKINGTON: We want to keep them straight.

- Straight line.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That's the goal.

- Now, if you keep-- if you keep these three centers in a straight line, and you move your shoulders perpendicular to your spine--

STEVE ELKINGTON: You can only go so far.

PAUL KOPP: It has to come out.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It has to come out.

- When I get here, here, and I bring it up here, and I have a drill I do, is bringing it back here. Just boom, boom, and how-- how I found it was, when I brought it back momentum took me out of my tilt. Now if you watch an eight or nine-year-old kid hit a ball, and the club is too heavy for them, you'll see--

STEVE ELKINGTON: He'll come up out of the tilt.

- He automatically comes out of the tilt. And basically every golfer does that.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And you want to know-- you want people to know that it's OK. It's correct.

PAUL KOPP: It's correct.

- Yeah, that's the point.

PAUL KOPP: That's the point. Now if we stayed-- if we stayed in our tilt, like Steve said, would like this at the top of the back swing. Same way on a forward swing, if we stayed in our tilt you would look like that.

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's very important for people to understand the tilt. So I'm going to try to do the whole thing that you've taught me so far. I've got my attachments.


- I've got my grip. I've got my stance. I'm sat down in there. Pull back. What do you say, Paul?

PAUL KOPP: OK. Let's go to lunch.


STEVE ELKINGTON: Now, what you said to me that you've always stressed to everyone is you've always said, you-- you're not a teacher. You don't teach the swing. But you--

- Teach how to learn the swing. You can only teach how to learn this golf swing.

- You will sort of find your way, so to speak.

- Exactly.

- The student will do the drills, and he'll find what you call the slot.

- Exactly.

- The slot for them.

- Right.

- And the slot could be-- will be-- there will be all kind of slots. There will be a slot at the address.

- But the correct slot will be revealed to you.

- By the exercises and by knowing the overall--

- Picture.

- Picture.

Now, we're at the top of the swing. And this is where-- this is where you've got to know, and this is the reason that your tape is called "What Moves When." Well, here we are. We're up at the top. You know, our left leg is at-- it's pointed at the ball. Our right leg is straight. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: Right, that's correct.

- OK. The thing that we are now getting ready to do is the big thing.

PAUL KOPP: Now, my first move from the top is my left ankle, left knee, left hip, and left side of my midsection. And that's going to put me into a sit-down or a squat position.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now, there's three ways that you can move this left knee.

PAUL KOPP: I can move this almost straight out. OK, which would-- which would cause my right hip to go back behind me, and everything will go behind me. Then I can move it to the left.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Straighten it.

PAUL KOPP: Left here, which would-- towards my heel, which would cause everything to come out.



STEVE ELKINGTON: So what's the correct angle?

PAUL KOPP: So the correct one is the one in the middle. Boom.

- And from your view, doesn't it-- doesn't the first move come down this angle?

PAUL KOPP: Exactly. Exactly. The weight is right in the middle of my foot. Now-- now-- if-- if I go any further, I would-- it will take my tailbone--


PAUL KOPP: Too far, OK. And now I can't straighten my left leg and my whole upper body. Now, if she goes inside, my left foot, then I'll be inside-- now she'll back up. So-- so, it's right here. And then she straightens right up.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Let me try that from the side. So here I am, Paul. I'm upstairs. Now the first move that I'm going to make is bam, down.

PAUL KOPP: By turning, yeah.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, down-- down the shoe line.

PAUL KOPP: Yeah, that's perfect. That's perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: I don't want to go straight. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: That's correct.

STEVE ELKINGTON: And I don't want to go over there.

PAUL KOPP: There you go.

STEVE ELKINGTON: That angle down the shoe, and they'll see as we go along here that that gives you this slingshot power. Yep?


STEVE ELKINGTON: OK. So the first thing that happens at the change of direction here is bam.

PAUL KOPP: Beautiful. And what he did here-- and what he did, go back. Now, what he did is he turned his ankle. It starts with his ankle, and boom, boom, boom.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Boom, so there I am right there.

PAUL KOPP: Right there.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So now-- now what comes?

- Now, when I make my first move, OK, with my left knee and left hip, my-- my upper torso will be sliding and rotating with my lower body. Now, the key words are sliding and rotating. OK, the same thing. What we do often is we'll slide. But we won't rotate.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. There are three ways you can come down into the ball.

- I could come down this way here, or I could come down with the shaft straight down, or I could come up.


- OK. So it's out.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So what guarantee is the guy coming down, down on it, what--

PAUL KOPP: Is that-- is that left knee, left hip, right there. Yeah. Now you hit into it. Oh, you're perfect right there. Do that again. Now hit into it hard. Oh, yes. Oh, if you could do that, Steve. You're perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So Paul the first thing is, bam. That left leg, bam. The right arm then also comes in and reattaches. Is that right?


STEVE ELKINGTON: So there I am. So, what am I looking at here? I'm looking at-- I love this. What-- what's the degrees here?

PAUL KOPP: My hips here are 5 degrees close to the plane line. My shoulders are 30 degrees--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Close to the plane line. Got it.

- And that-- that shows me during my slide, I rotate.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Got it. So here I come. Bang.


- And this is the move, this is the one, isn't it?

PAUL KOPP: Yeah. That's the move. That's the move. That's the move. And what he's doing at this move at the top is his arm is 90 degrees. First move-- and his upper arm is three inches from his rib cage. First move is he drops the upper arm against his ribcage, and then this arm will unfold 60 degrees, from 90 to 60. Right there, right there. And the next move is the wrist will cock.


PAUL KOPP: So now you have 45 degrees. The upper arm will come back down in-- to all three pressure points will be touching my rib cage. Boom. At the same time, my right arm will extend about 60 degrees, this way here. My wrist will cock, extend here 60 degrees. And my wrists will cock, so the left arm and shaft are a 45 degree angle. So basically it looks like that.

STEVE ELKINGTON: OK. Now, we saw Hogan and everyone, right? The come up here. We see all the great ball strikers, when they get up to this point, and they put that in, right? All that, and then the twirl, the 5 degrees of side tilt, that twirl there and the shaft starts to lay down right on plane. Can you just expand that-- that thought of the twirl, and how that-- how that lines up?

- Now he's going to drop his right shoulder 5 degrees. And that will turn this knuckle 25 degrees. Right there.


PAUL KOPP: Right there. That knuckle right there. That knuckle right there will turn, turn, you can turn a quarter of an inch, yeah. right here. Yeah it's-- see the way the finger is? Now, she can come down this way here. She can turn a quarter, or she can lay off down here. In that finger, right there, boom, or she can turn a quarter of an inch, or she could lay it off.

STEVE ELKINGTON: So as this comes down, when I get to here, if I just come straight down, there's no way I can unfold it. So I come in, bang, and the shoulder drops.

PAUL KOPP: Oh, that's perfect. Yeah.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now that turns.

PAUL KOPP: That's perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Now this arm wants to collapse open. And it wants to open up in a sequence, elbow, wrist, right like this.

PAUL KOPP: But-- but-- but the shoulder, chest, and upper arm, all come down at the same speed. OK. All come down. It's all one unit.


PAUL KOPP: And now it's all one unit. Now, all you have to do is get that unit back down to the ball. OK. Now, when I drop it in, bang here, now when I-- when I drop that right shoulder, bang. She dropped in. OK. Now the club face is still square, right? Now, if I were to open a club face, I'd open it this way. Square, close it. So if I dropped it in, and I dropped it, and then I opened the club face, she'd look like that, open.

I dropped it in here. And dropped the right shoulder, she'd look-- and turn it this way, she'd look at-- you can't do that anyway. You can't do it. OK. Drop it in. She's square. And then when I turn the right knuckle a quarter of an inch, bang. There she is.

- Stay right there. Now you've got the whole thing is just laying all down.

- OK. Now I can start the club down in this direction here, and continue it. Now, look where the--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It looks too steep.

PAUL KOPP: Look where the butt end of the club--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's inside the plane. Because the plane is obviously sort of somewhere here, right?

PAUL KOPP: See what about-- now, that butt end of the-- that head of the club will come out--


PAUL KOPP: And it will cross. Now, when-- when I'm bringing it-- I'm going to bring this club straight down, and I'm going to bring this club with the--


PAUL KOPP: On plane. Now look at the--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It's 20 degrees.

- OK. Look how much more that club head has traveled. Look at the velocity and acceleration--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Are you saying it--

- --that I'm going to have.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, you've made a deeper-- a deeper-- a deeper swing or--

- Well, deeper, but look how far it has to go.

STEVE ELKINGTON: A quarter of a turn here shows up as 20 degrees up here.

- Up here, so-- so this club is going to travel at a greater distance to get back to the--

STEVE ELKINGTON: More hammer hit, yeah.

- And then-- then this club here, so if it's traveling at a greater distance, it's going to--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Have more mash, more smash.

- More speed.

STEVE ELKINGTON: More speed, more smash.

- More smash, whatever you want to put into it.

STEVE ELKINGTON: When you put the twirl in, we saw that the distance it travels has a greater velocity. The club face angle does not change when you put the twirl in. Is that right?

- Right.

- Because it's just-- it's just rotating around a circle there. So it just stays on plane.

- On plane. This here is the incline-- this here is the straight plane line we want it to come down, just here. So we're putting it on the straight plane line that we want it to come down. We don't want it to come down this plane line. A lot of people said for Hogan to get the club to go like this. He dropped his arms to do it. Well he didn't-- see, when Hogan did it this way, his hands and arms came out in front of him.

STEVE ELKINGTON: They came out with it.

- They came this way. They came with it. It was this. It wasn't--


- And see, and people-- he fooled people by--

STEVE ELKINGTON: It had-- so Hogan had a lot of drop, right? Hogan had a lot of drop?

- But it was out in front, you know, the drop. No, no. He had a drop here.


- Which we do.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Hogan had a lot of that.

- Right

- And then when he put-- when Hogan put the twirl in, put the side tilt, he had-- it just-- it just lays at the plane line, right?

- Right but it stays-- he came out in front.


- No, a lot of people thought he did it by dropping his arms.

STEVE ELKINGTON: He didn't do that?

- He didn't do that. That was a myth.

- That's an important point. The first move we have to make from the top is bang with the left leg, and into the rib cage. Now, we're going to put that-- that quarter of an inch turn to the right, which is 5 degrees of side tilt. Which, as you say, it all sort of happens automatically. But we're going to walk people through it. We're going to walk them through it. So that puts that there, that twirl that everyone talks about, that's putting in the side tilt 5 degrees. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: Correct.

- OK. Now I have to sort of-- again, this is going to happen automatically. But addressing the 20 degree forward that we have to put back in--


- It automatically starts to draw drop back in. Now for me, I feel like I've got to put it in a little bit.


- And that starts the whole arm motion down the plane. Is that right?

PAUL KOPP: Perfect.

- OK. So right away all of that 20 degrees goes right back in?

PAUL KOPP: Right back in.

- Right at the top.

PAUL KOPP: Right at the top.

- Right after the twirl?

PAUL KOPP: Right after the twirl.

- Got it, bam. OK. So we're doing good. The side tilt is still at 5 degrees.

PAUL KOPP: Exactly.

- This tilt is now at 20, forward tilt.

PAUL KOPP: Correct.

- Now I'm coming down the plane. As this drops down to parallel to the ground, we put 15 degrees more side bend in. So now we've got 20 degrees of side, and 20 degrees of forward. Is that right?

- Perfect. OK, now at this point here, OK. My hips and midsection turn my upper body down to the ball. Now-- now this arm, shoulder, and chest are all moving at the same speed.


- Now, now what I see most people do is just--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Throw it at it, throw their arms at it.

- Just drop their arms at it. Now, just what keeps it at the same speed is from my sternum down to my crotch, I turn the cylinder. The cylinder-- and the cylinder turns my upper-- upper torso. OK, and I have the perfect tilts, so the direction will be perfect, bringing my arms down to-- you see that here? And then--


- Boom. It's very important the elbow leads to forearm. OK, this little bubble here leads to forearm. Forearm leads to right hand. Now lasting through-- through impact is that right index finger. So she unfolds like this. If-- you don't want the forearm to lead the elbow. You don't want the hand to lead the forearm.

So, our next move is we're going to have two more inches of lateral move, but we're going to--

STEVE ELKINGTON: Circular, simultaneously.

PAUL KOPP: But we're going to keep rotating our hips right down to this point right here. OK. Here we are.


PAUL KOPP: This is it.

STEVE ELKINGTON: This is money time.

PAUL KOPP: This is money time. This is money time.

Now, we're going to rotate. This is our center of gravity right here. We're going to rotate our hips around the center of gravity.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, like grabbing a little ball.

- OK. Rotate our hips around the center of gravity. Now so, we're going to bring this club, this club here parallel to the ground, and rotate our hips around the center of gravity until she's parallel to the ground over here.


- My hips, right leg, right foot, right side of my midsection, they're all turning together. Together. And-- and what they'll do-- what they'll do is bring my upper torso down to the ball. They're all connected. Just the right-- the right thigh, the right hip, the right side, and the midsection are all working together, all working together. You don't have any of this going on. It's all working together.

Left side, left thigh, left hip, left side of the midsection, all working together. Watch me bring it down. You can really see it right here, right here. Right here, see it's my--

Now this rotation of the hips induces a throw-out action. The throw-out action is centrifugal force throw-out action or reaction. Listen to me close, throw-out action. Now, what this means is that uncocks the left wrist.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Can't stop it from doing it.

- It starts to straighten the right elbow. OK? And it supinates the left hand or supinates. And the shaft will seek its inline condition. This is what it will look like. Throw-out action, centrifugal throw-out action, reaction. Because of the rotation in the hips will uncock the left twist, straighten the right elbow, not fully straight until after the ball, and then-- and then supinate. When the right elbow is straightening, there's a pressure point right here, pushing action. She's going to supinate that left hand-- that left hand. And this is done in a sequence, not simultaneously. This throw-out action.

Then-- then here-- and it's a maximum trigger delay right at this point here. OK? So boom, boom. So it's boom here, until both arms are perfectly straight. OK. Then that draw pulls all our centers in line-- in line, all our body centers in line. Our upper arms are still on our chest. And I have that in my condition from my left shoulder to the ball.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Long moment arm.

- Now, the only reason we can straighten the both arms is my left arm is the furthest from my right shoulder at this point.

- OK. Here we go. First thing, the top moves left leg, knee, hip. Open it up.

PAUL KOPP: OK. It's all tight right there, all tight right there.

- Elbow into the ribcage.

PAUL KOPP: Right, elbow in the ribcage.

- OK, now, a little bit of shoulder tilt down, right?



PAUL KOPP: Good shape.

STEVE ELKINGTON: What's next thing to move?

PAUL KOPP: OK. Next thing to move is your hips and midsection, at this point here will turn your shoulders and chest down to the ball. There you go. There you go. Do it again. You play good. Good. Do it again. OK. Keep them tight, now. Keep them tight. Keep them tight. OK. Do it again. OK. Now, let me do it. Boom. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. That's it.

OK, now-- now at just point here, our left leg has straightened. Now so here, now we're going to reverse our tilt. We're going to bring the shaft--

STEVE ELKINGTON: So the tilt--

PAUL KOPP: Parallel, so we reverse our tilt, OK? All right? Now, now we're going to continue left-- how our left arm went inside, we'll say 45 degrees, our right arm is going to go--


PAUL KOPP: So inside. Now you reversed your tilt. No. You reversed it too much, right there. Reverse the tilt, here, right here. Right arm is inside. Now back-- back, back, the tilt out. So it's-- it's here-- it's here, I reverse. And then I come up--

STEVE ELKINGTON: You take the tilt, the 20 out.

- And backwards, backwards, now I put the 20 in backwards. But I maintain my 20. My head-- my head is 25 degrees to the horizon. And the shaft is down my ears.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Back in '97, now I had a good run. And I won the Doral tournament. And then the very next week I won the Players Championship. During the last round I kind of lost feel of what I was doing at the Doral tournament. And Terry knows this. I got to the 13th hole. It was a par three. And it's near the woods. And there was a group late. So I took off out into the woods to hit the can. But I went over there and did some drills. I did a quick-- a quick set of about 50, and came back and I had-- I got it all back in there, and just rode it right into the end.

- Oh, I love it. I love it. I love it.

- Yeah, so Paul, I'm going to hit a couple shots here. So for me, I'm just going to-- do my little drill here, when I do the exercise. And people are going to see the exercise. Some of the exercises that I most enjoyed, I really enjoyed doing-- and I did them for a month. And you know that. I did them for four hours a day, just to get used to all the exercises, you know. So it was big-- you know, you've done them for 25 years. But-- but nonetheless, I still do them every day.

Love that one, and that one right there, right? And then when people put that twirl in, they're going to feel that distance that comes from that velocity they're going to pick up. It's going to be amazing, right?


- And as we put those tilts back in, we start to feel all that.

PAUL KOPP: Perfect, perfect.

- This is what it's going to look like.

PAUL KOPP: This is what it's going look like. And what was so pretty about that golf swing, it was all one piece going back, one piece going through.

STEVE ELKINGTON: There's a lot going on that people don't realize, right?

PAUL KOPP: Right. And look at this. One piece back, and one piece forwards.

- Real balanced. Real balanced, huh?

PAUL KOPP: Balanced, and what he's also done, is he's released this right ankle. OK, which is nice. And this foot didn't go this way. It stayed about 10 degrees to the right. OK, which is perfect.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Inside, right?

PAUL KOPP: Inside, inside to the right. And this is nice and tight right here, and his left leg is straight, boom. His hips are turned. His lumbar is straight up and down. That's a must.

STEVE ELKINGTON: There's no pressure there.

- No pressure there. He can play golf till he's 100. He won't have any back problems. And his thoracic is backwards 20 degrees, and he maintained his 20 degree tilt to the right. It looks like you can repeat that a thousand times.

STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah. Loving that, loving that, loving that, and that. Right? But keep these closed.

PAUL KOPP: But what I'm loving-- what I'm loving is you rotating around that center of gravity.

- That was my draw. How'd that look?

PAUL KOPP: [INAUDIBLE] The balance and everything.

- So Paul, it's been awesome working on the sequence. We've learned a lot together. And we're doing well. And I think people are going to realize a number of things. You know, yes, once they learn the sequence they can do it, right?

- Yes.

- If they do the exercises, they will get the strength in their fingers, and they will understand what move is next.

- Right.

- Is that right?

- That's correct.

- So could you give us-- without, you know, what do you think a good program is when they watch this tape and the people start to do the exercises, what is the-- what is the expectations for people? You've taught so many people. What is the expectation? When do they start really getting it? Does it take a couple of weeks or a couple of months? Or is it-- they're going to see improvement, yes.

- When they start doing the exercises the feelings that-- that we say will be revealed to you, you start getting those revelations right off.

- Yeah.

- OK, right off.

- And what you mean by that, Paul, is and I just want to expand on that thought. Because you told me when I did-- did the exercises that things would be revealed to me. And I didn't really know what you meant by that. And they're not going to know either. So when you do the exercises and you understand the tape, and the exercises after a little while, you go, oh. I can do it, right? There it is. Is that what you're saying-- is that what you're saying?

- That's what I'm saying. You know, we have to separate our upper torso from our lower torso, just-- just to give an illustration. Now if you-- if you sit on the end of a bed, and bring-- put your arms on top of your chest, and bring it back. And then bring it back with your lower torso. At first when you do it, it will be sloppy. You'll bring it back together.

But if you do 100 a day you will eventually feel the separation of the two. And that's what I mean being revealed to you.

- Being revealed to you. There will be a lot of things being revealed, right?

- Right.

- But the main thing is what we want to thank you for is showing-- showing us the-- you know, the sequence. And all the years that you've put in to get it, right?

- A lot of years.

- How many?

- 35.

- Had a great day, today. Thank you.

- It was great being here.

- Thanks, Paul.

- Great being here.

- Thank you.